
We’ve Come a Long Way… Or Have We?


League of Women Voters of Chester County meet with “Susan B. Anthony” on March 30, 2014 at an event organized by the Friends of Mt. Hope


THE EQUAL PAY ACT is the landmark law passed 50 plus years ago that requires employers to pay men and women equally for substantially equal work.

On April 2, 2008, the Senate of Pennsylvania passed a Resolution designating April 22, 2008 as “Equal Pay Day” in Pennsylvania. On April 8, 2008, the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania passed a Resolution designating April 22, 2008 as “Equal Pay Day” in Pennsylvania. Soon it will be April 2014. The symbolic celebration continues, “Working women still face a significant gender wage gap. In Pennsylvania, women are paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. This adds up to a yearly gap of $10,867 between men and women who work full time in this commonwealth. With over 500,000 households in the Commonwealth headed by women, the economic securities of these women, and the children who depend on them, are at risk.”

Of note with regard to this predicament, February 4, 2014, Senate Bill 1212 was referred to Labor and Industry where it remains today. The bill would amend the act of December 17, 1959. (P.L.1913, No.694) entitled “An act prohibiting discrimination in rate of pay because of sex; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of Labor and Industry; and prescribing ,” further providing for wage rates.

Consider the current economic situation for women in Pennsylvania and across our country while understanding this fact: Single/unmarried women are now the largest group of unregistered eligible voters.

That’s right – Unregistered or in need of Reregistering – Hard to believe?

Our work is right in front of us! We need to mobilize our volunteers.

Chester County League members need to do what we are known to do.

Remember the Ladies!

Encourage registration and spread the word on the Value of the Vote wherever you go.

The Right to Vote provides the Foundation that makes All other Rights possible!

Even that of Equal Pay.

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