
Action Alert: SB 946 – Amending the PA Sewage Facilities Act (537)

SB 946Amending the PA Sewage Facilities Act (537) – A bill that will open the door to serious degradation of soil, air, water.

Seeking to remove the years of protections under the Clean Streams Law for community and individual onlot sewage systems.

The LWVPA in concert with our National position supports:

  • stringent controls to protect the quality of current and potential drinking water supplies, including protection of watersheds for surface supplies
  • measures to reduce water pollution from direct point-source discharges and from indirect nonpoint sources
  • water resource programs and policies that reflect the interrelationships water quality, water quantity, ground-water and surface water and that address the potential depletion or pollution of water supplies of recharge areas for groundwater.

Contact your Senators today and tell them we expect them to protect public health and the environment for the long term into the future.

Vote No to Amending the PA Sewage Facilities Act 537.


  • PA Senate Bill 946 – Amending the PA Sewage Facilities Act (537)
  • Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Week in Review, May 17, 2013: “Anti-degradation requirements for on-lot septic systems—HB 1325 (PN 1706) and SB 946 (PN 1086) would amend the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537 of 1965) to provide that the use of on-lot septic systems that are designed and approved in accordance with the state Department of Environmental Protection’s current regulations satisfy the anti-degradation requirements of The Clean Streams Law (Act 394 of 1937) and its regulations.
    Action: HB 1325 was reported as committed from the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee; first consideration in the House. SB 946 was introduced.
    Current Status: HB 1325 is before the House. SB 946 is before the Senate Environmental Resources Committee.
  • Watershed Action Plans for Chester County
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