A Message from the President Dear Friends: I am delighted that the League of Women Voters of Chester County is once again able to publish our Quarterly Voter Newsletter, which we have not been able to do since 2016. Kudos to our Second Vice President, Barbara Lathroum, who has assumed the duties of Managing Editor. […]
Archive | President’s Message

New Year Greetings!
Dear Chester County League Members: It is my hope that 2018 finds you well and looking forward with eager anticipation and energy to a productive year with the League of Women Voters of Chester County. Our Annual Program Planning meeting will take place this year at the George Fox Room at Crosslands Retirement Community in […]
Dear Friends: On account of the inclement weather today, we have decided to postpone the League Holiday Gathering until tomorrow – Sunday, December 10, from 12:30 until 3:30. Same place – the home of Cathy Palmquist at 800 Apple Hill Drive, West Chester, PA 19380 (in East Bradford Township). I apologize for the late notice, […]

2017 Annual Meeting
This entire Booklet is devoted to our Year in Review — And what a year it’s been!

2017-2018 Officers and Board Inducted
Following a buffet luncheon, the League of Women Voters of Chester County held its 2017 Annual Meeting at the West Chester Golf and Country Club, inducting officers and board members for 2017-18. Those inducted included (seated from left) Alma Forsyth, director, Jennifer Levy-Tatum, Esq. president, Dr. Pamela Gray, first vice-president, and standing (from left) Keisha […]