
From the Budget Committee

Dear Members,

Members always look at our budget and wonder how in the world we can operate and do all that we do.  Our answer has always been lots of volunteer work and gifts in kind.  There is so much to be done.  This year we are especially in need.  So we will be asking for a vote to raise our annual dues to $75.  This is our first increase in six years.  In that time the national and state portions of our dues have gone up so that we only keep $14 out of $65.  We simply cannot carry on our work without this increase, and more fundraising.  We truly appreciate our members’ donations of time, effort, and gifts in kind!

Our signature fund raising event in September was successful, but we only broke even.  We will have our second annual event this September 19th.  Stayed tuned for more details!

When you pay your membership dues this year we encourage those who can to either voluntarily increase their dues payment or make out an extra check for a contribution made out to the LWVCC Education Fund.  A contribution to the Ed Fund is tax deductible.

These are the changes of note:

  • The new membership income has been adjusted to reflect our current membership of 88 full and 9 halves.

This is down from last year. Our 15 honorary members do not pay.

  • Our new budget reflects the dues increase to $75.
  • Again we have had to pull money out of the Ed Fund and savings to balance our budget.
  • The costs of the Legislative Directories and the bookmarks are donated.
  • Smart Voter will be replaced by
  • Printing “The Voter” every other month saves us money.
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